Why you should take the TOEIC Test while you are in university,BEFORE you graduate.

Did you know that Takamatsu University is an official TOEIC Test Center?
You can take the test on campus twice a year.
But, why should you take the test? Here are 3 reasons:
1. MOTIVATION–If you decide to take the TOEIC Test, it will help motivate you to study English.
English is more and more important for Japan.
Many companies, even small companies, have English tests on their employment exams. We all have to study, even if we are not planning to use English in our work.
By signing up to take the test, and doing even a little preparation, you will have a good reason to work on your English.
If you want to get a job, you have to have more and more skills nowadays.
Many companies are hiring people who have graduated from university.
They have many candidates that have the exact same qualifications as you.
So, they are looking for something special from you.
If you have taken the TOEIC Test, they will see that you are motivated to improve yourself, even if you don’t get a high score.
You can use it as an advantage when trying to get to a good job.
Many companies require the TOEIC Test for promotions nowadays.
Did you know that? Well, the TOEIC Test is not just a simple thing.
You have to learn how to take the test.
You must think about how to use your time efficiently.
You must pace yourself so that you can get a good score.
By taking the test many times, you get good practice in how to do this.
The earlier you start to take the test, the better.
So, I recommend everyone to take the test at least once when you are in college.
It is better to take it 2 or 3 times, though.
You will be able to improve yourself, and better your chances of a good job, and good promotions in the future.
Also, if you take the test at university, it is cheaper than the normal test.
But, the results mean exactly the same thing. (Williams, R. T.)