English Tests for Japan

In Japan, tests are really important. Have you taken any 検定 tests? Which ones have you taken? How about English? Which test should you take? There are 4 major tests:
1. The TOEIC Test
2. The Eiken Test
3. The TOEFL Test
4. The IELTS test
So, if you want to take test, you should ask yourself, “What is the purpose for taking the test?” Common answers are:
!. I want to check my English ability.
2. I want to get a good job.
3. I want to go overseas to study at a foreign university.
OK. If you want to check your English ability, I suggest thinking about this carefully. The best tests to really judge your English ability overall are the TOEFL and IELTS tests. But, they are challenging tests. They are expensive and you might have to travel to a big city to take these tests. So, if these issues are important, I suggest the Eiken test. The new Eiken tests are a really good test of your general English ability.
So, if you want to get a good job, the fact of the matter is that many, many companies in Japan nowadays rely on the TOEIC test. The TOEIC test is a business English based test. I personally do not think it is a good test of your overall English ability. But, if you want to get a good job, this is test that many people look at in Japan. Also, it is not a pass/fail test. It is only a number scored test. It is based on how many questions you can answer correctly. So, even if you don’t do so well, you can have a score of your general English level. But, don’t forget to study business English vocabulary before you take this test.
If you want to study abroad, the TOEFL or IELTS tests are what you need. The TOEFL test is an American English test and the IELTS is a British English based test. You should check with the university that you want to go to. Ask them which test they use for admissions. Nowadays, many colleges and universities will accept either test. If this is the case, I recommend that Japanese try the TOEFL test. Why? Most Japanese English education is based on American English. Since the TOEFL test is an American English test, maybe you can do better on that one.
Anyway, there are quite a few tests out there. Think about it and decide which one you want to take.(R.T. Williams)